Customer Loyalty Monitoring in Banking Sector using R and Shiny
In this project, I have developed an application using R and Shiny to monitor customer loyalty in the banking sector. The application includes several tabs offering different perspectives and analyses on the state of customer loyalty.
The “Overview” tab features a dashboard displaying various charts. These charts provide detailed insights into customer loyalty status based on different factors such as country, age, and economic solvency.
Customer Segment Analysis
The next tab focuses on monitoring different customer segments identified using a K-means model. Customers are divided into four groups: Celestial Customer, Emerald Customer, Purple Customer, and Golden Customer. The application details the main characteristics of each segment and includes values and charts that reveal the loyalty status of these segments separately.
Loyalty Prediction
In the “Prediction” tab, a decision tree is used to create a predictive model. This model allows input of various variables and provides a probability of whether a customer will continue using the company’s services or not.
Dataset Information
Finally, the “Information” tab provides detailed information about the dataset used for this project. Here, users can explore the data and gain a better understanding of the foundation upon which the application is built.
To learn more about this project, click on the following link to visit the GitHub repository: